Friday, July 27, 2012

Poison Tragedy of Lions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Some few weeks back, there were 5 Lions found dead in Queen Elizabeth National Park with in Ibuga area. It is believed that these lions were poisoned by the people who are fighting for Land near the Park boundaries. They claim that the lions were eating their cattle yet in reality it’s not true.

The origin of the land dispute near the Park is between the Basongora people from Congo who were brought to Uganda by two late army officers to graze their cattle. Once they entered the country, one of the two officers claimed to the President that over 10,000 Basongora had fled from Congo to Uganda with their cattle because of the war. The president ordered to be given land for resettlement in Kasese region including the Ministry of defense Land and the Prisons land.

Where these Basongora were resettled, they have now grabbed all the nearby land and as per now, they are fighting with the Kaveera Barracks to also grab their land. After this, the nearby free land will be Queen Elizabeth National Park. As tourism experts, we are very concerned about this and we hope that the government comes out soon and solves this problem together with the organization concerned. (Uganda Wildlife Authority). Lions are one of the big five animals and their death greatly affects the whole tourism industry as a whole.

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